Wednesday, June 17, 2009


I love you because of the way our souls match
I love you because you make me complete
I love you because you have healed me in so many ways
I love you because of what your voice does to me
I love you because your laughter makes me happy
I love you because your tears break my heart
I love you because you make my mornings so full of hope
I love you because you make my sunsets beautiful
I love you because you raise goosebumps on my skin
I love you for how you make my body sing
I love you because your thoughts give me silence and peace
I love you because you make my heart beat faster
I love you because you make my living so much sweeter
I love you because your name makes me smile
I love you because you tell me things I want to tell myself..
I love you because you listen to me saying things which you want to hear yourself
I love you because when I pine for you I know you feel the same
I love you because of your grace and love
I love you because of the gift you have chosen to give me
I love you because I know you have been to me like the rainbow after months of rains
I love you because you have been the rain after months of drought
I love you because of your well as your silences
I love you because I feel the warmth of your love across the seas
I love you because you keep me in your thoughts
I love you because you are always in my thoughts
I love you because you have changed my world
I love you because you have showed me what love is
I love you because you are mine
I love you because I am yours
I love you because I just love you!

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